Sunday, 31 October 2010

Director:Steven Spielberg

Steven speilber has directed a vast number of films from many genres as he is very widely known for his unique style.Many of his movies have a number of awards including schindler's list, A.I- artificial inteligence,  catch me if you can and ET- the extra terrestrial. There are many conventions from films which he has directed which include:
  • focusing on the main character and uses supporting characters to feed off
  • exposeses the true emotion of the main character
  • uses the soundtrack/score to shaddow the movie and tell a story of it's own
  • creates many anticlimaxes throughout

In this clip from ET although e.t is not the centre of attention from the camera speilberg uses the characters around the alien to keep him involved for example the little girl and boy talkabout e.t when he is not on camera or talk about him emphasises his importance, this is clever technique as by allowing other characters to be more heavily involved the can be used to enhance the status of the main character even though they may not be on screen

In this clip from artificial inteligene the use of music in this scene is used to great effect as between 0-2:10 there are a collection of high notes which suggest something is about happen and moments later David is lft abandoned. the music reflects the mother's distress and david's sadness as she tries to drive off but david refuses to be left alone.

This clip shows the expossure of frank in Catch me if you can as when he finds out his father has died the audience begins to realise he isn't the excellent inteligent con-man he portrays but is a scared boy who has been running from the truth since he was 16 hiding unde different personas.

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