7. Looking back to your preliminary task, what do you feel that you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
When we planned our preliminary task we didn't think about all the unanswered questions in the storylines . The. We were wary not to make the same mistakes when planning our thriller opening sequence. As a group we came up with similar concepts, and we incorporated aspects of each person's ideas and used them in our script. The good thing about the end idea was man-on-the-run as we have all watched a great amount of films which follow this genre such as Snatch.
from the preliminary task we shot a scene were one of the characters walking away from the camera. We felt that this was very successful so when considering shot for the thriller opening we decided to re-create this shot as it was a good way of using a long shot incorporating movement without moving the camera and creating the amateur affect. When writing the storyline we decided to try and include a passage were a character would be walking a away from the camera and in the final product it was very successful.
compared with the shots used form the initial preliminary task there have been many marked improvements. When holding a conversation in the preliminary task we chose to use over the shoulder shots, this made it difficult when showing from the two characters reaction a created a lot of excess editing. when evaluating this from the preliminary task in the final product we decided to cross cut the conversation between characters so there was less chance of breaking the 180 rule of loosing continuity by having the character shift out of position.
After deciding on a storyline, we began work on our script, we tried to limit the amount of dialogue and in the end it only included the short exchange between the kingpin and the henchman over the phone. we then began work on the storyboard.This required more contemplation as we had to decide how to introduce characters, the best way to finish the sequence, and finding an appropriate location. The storyboard took around two hours to complete together, as we had to work out many factors, but we were eventually successful.

After deciding on a storyline, we began work on our script, we tried to limit the amount of dialogue and in the end it only included the short exchange between the kingpin and the henchman over the phone. we then began work on the storyboard.This required more contemplation as we had to decide how to introduce characters, the best way to finish the sequence, and finding an appropriate location. The storyboard took around two hours to complete together, as we had to work out many factors, but we were eventually successful.

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